How To Slow Down Bone Loss With Osteoporosis Treatments

If you are a postmenopausal woman, then you should be aware of osteoporosis. Postmenopausal osteoporosis happens after menopause. It occurs when your estrogen levels drop significantly. This results in losing bone inside of your cortical and trabecular bones. It is a condition that also affects senior women. Osteoporosis can make it hard to physically perform daily activities. You can get a fracture from picking up something off of the floor. Read on to find out how to slow down bone loss with postmenopausal fracture treatments. Read More 

What To Expect When You Have Outpatient Surgery

Many surgical procedures are done on an outpatient basis which means they don't require a hospital stay. This controls costs and allows you to go home sooner. You can have outpatient surgery at a hospital or surgical clinic, and while the exact procedure varies according to the surgery you have, you can expect the following.  The Preparation For Surgery Your surgery is usually scheduled in advance so you have plenty of time to arrange time off from work and to prepare yourself. Read More 

Considering Keto? 3 Benefits Of Consulting A Nutritional Coach

Whether you are trying to lose weight, reduce inflammation and pain, or just live an overall healthier lifestyle, the keto diet may be the best option for you. Characterized by eating very few carbohydrates, some protein, and healthy fats, the diet is proven to help people lose weight, especially when compared to low-fat diets. Unfortunately, you may not understand how this diet works, which can prevent you from seeing actual benefits. Read More 

Differing Outcomes From Both Botox And Dermal Facial Fillers Offer You Youthful Looking Skin

Botox is a medication procedure that relaxes facial muscles. Facial muscles generally wrinkle on your face because of facial movements. As you move your faces at different angles, lines develop and deepen over time. Plastic surgeons inject Botox into the troubled muscles. Relaxation of the muscles improve your wrinkle condition. Botox performs muscle relaxation while Dermal facial fillers add volume to your skin. Dermal Facial Filler Technique Wrinkles that appear on your face from your nose to the corner of your mouth result from loss of volume in the skin as you age, and genetics may play a part in causing this condition. Read More 

2 Potential Problems Earwax Can Cause When You Wear Hearing Aids

If you have just started wearing hearing aids, you may have noticed an increase in the amount of wax in your ear canals. While this earwax production is your body's normal response to protect your ears from foreign objects, you need to be meticulous about keeping both your hearing aids and ears clear to avoid developing the following potential problems. Earwax Impaction May Occur Normally, your ear produces wax to form a protective barrier to prevent irritation and infection. Read More