Benefits Of 3D Mammograms

Mammograms play a very important role in detecting breast cancer early so women can receive treatment. Technology is continually advancing, and 3D mammograms are becoming increasingly popular at centers like Hudson Valley Imaging. While traditional mammograms are still widely used, more and more clinics are opting to offer 3D mammograms, and many women are choosing to seek out 3D mammograms. Some of the top benefits of 3D mammograms include: Accuracy One of the great things about 3D mammograms is the fact that they minimize the impact of overlapping breast tissue, which makes it much easier to see a tumor. Read More 

Picking A Practitioner: M.D. Versus D.O.

Think about the most important people in your life. Maybe you have a crazy aunt named Madge who practically raised you. Maybe your eighth grade teacher assigned you to sit next to some kid who would one day become your best friend. Maybe you have a pastor who slapped some sense back into you when you fell off the deep end after high school. All these people play influential, even critical roles that help shape your story. Read More 

Preparation Tips for Laser Hair Removal

If you want to remove body hair from a specific spot on your body, then you may want to think about laser hair removal. The process does take some time, but most people do find the removal successful. There are a few things that can help you to ensure a good result, so keep reading to learn a little bit about how you can prepare for your appointment. Do Not Wax Read More 

OBGYN: Birth Control Options For Teenage Girls

Although more teens today are waiting to have sex, if you have a teenage daughter, there are many reasons why you might want to schedule an appointment with her OBYN to discuss birth control. From painful periods, to menstrual migraines, mood swings, and sexual activity, knowing your birth control options can help you and your teen choose the birth control option that works for their needs. Here are the most common types of birth control prescribe to teenage girls: Read More 

3 Ways To Deal With Memory Issues When You Have Alzheimer’s

If you are in the early stages of Alzheimer's and are starting to experience memory issues, there are numerous strategies that you can implement to make sure that you remember both the big and small details around your home. #1 - Label Cupboards & Drawers When you start to develop Alzheimer's, one of the first things you may notice is that you start to forget where things should go. If you are having a hard time remembering where to put your plates, or what drawer your writing gear is stored in, it is time to label your cupboards and drawers. Read More