Should Everyone In Your Family Have The Same Physician?

If you've just begun the search for a bona fide "family doctor," you may be wondering whether you, your spouse, and your children should all see the same physician or whether having separate doctors is the best way to go. There are a number of things to consider when making this decision, and there's no one right choice for every family. Read on for some factors you'll want to consider when deciding how many members of your family should share a physician. Read More 

Four Ways To Ease Your Child’s Fever

If your child has a fever, the first thing you should do is take their temperature. If the fever is above 104 degrees F, you should take them to an urgent care clinic or emergency center like Pediatric Urgent Care - firefly after hours promptly as a fever this high can cause permanent damage. However, for lower-grade fevers, you can typically treat the fever on your own at home. Here are four ways to ease a low or moderate fever in a child. Read More 

The Dos And Don’ts Of Recovering From Liposuction

Liposuction services can be highly effective and can give you the trimmer look you desire. The recovery process is often less intense than patients imagine as well. However, there are some guidelines you will want to follow during your recovery process in order to avoid infection and encourage faster healing. Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind during your liposuction recovery. Do take your antibiotics as instructed. Read More 

Five Ingredients To Look For In A Moisturizer When You Have Super Dry Skin

Do you have skin that is so dry that even the average moisturizer does not leave you feeling hydrated and comfortable? Dry skin not only looks unhealthy, but it can become itchy and can even leave you increasingly prone to infection. The secret to healing dry skin is to use a moisturizer that contains targeted ingredients that are known to impart lasting moisture and actually heal your skin, rather than just covering up the flakes and dry spots. Read More 

A Guide For Getting Active Again After A Sports Injury

If you have had an injury while playing sports or while exercising, the recovery process can be long. One of the most frustrating parts for some people, though, is not the treatment, but the desire to get back into action. You might feel like you can't wait to get out running or to start practicing again, but regaining your fitness takes time and care. If you jump right in to sports before you are ready, you risk causing yourself even greater harm. Read More