First-Time Parent? How To Prepare For Your Baby’s First Immunizations

If you're first-time parents, you're probably busy learning the ropes. Unfortunately, when it comes to baby's, there are a lot of ropes to learn about. Some of those ropes involve your baby's immunizations. After a while, you'll be a pro at it, and so will your baby. For now, it's all a learning game. If it's time to schedule your baby's first immunizations, you might be a little stressed out and nervous about the whole procedure. Read More 

Are You Helping Your Loved One Who Is Fighting Cancer?

If science could put a man on the moon, why hasn't science found a way to totally cure cancer? Haven't you asked yourself questions like that one? Do you know a single person who hasn't been affected by cancer--either because they have had it or because somebody else in their close circle has had it? And, if you are now that person who is helping a loved one fight that terrible disease, the C Word has truly hit home. Read More 

3 Useful Tips When Selecting A Physical Therapist For Severe Injuries

If you're trying to recover from a severe injury, one of the best forms of healing is working with a physical therapist. This trained professional can walk you through exercise routines and provide access to innovative equipment that facilitate your recovery. When looking for one of these professionals, you'll want to utilize these selection tips.  Assess the Costs A huge determinant of choosing a physical therapist is the cost associated with their practice. Read More 

Frequently Asked Questions About Behavioral Health Risk Management

Behavioral health risk management helps to target those who are at risk for or experiencing behavioral health problems. Techniques are used to help modify someone's behavior, preventing or stopping the negative behavior they are exhibiting. If you are looking into a behavioral health risk management program, you may have many questions about it. Here are a few of the frequently asked questions about behavioral health risk management.  Is Behavioral Health the Same as Mental Health? Read More 

Newborn Is Throwing A Fit & You Don’t Know What To Do? Seek Immediate Medical Care!

During the first pregnancy, many new parents are elated and overjoyed at the thoughts of taking their newborn home and settling into parenthood. Then the time finally arrives and, instead of gazing upon a blissful baby, they grow concerned because their little one is screaming their head off. Life's littlest blessings communicate their needs and wants by crying. Sometimes, however, they not only cry, but they also produce blood-curdling screams while flailing their arms and kicking their legs. Read More