Medical Billing 101: Why Your Practice Needs A Billing Service

Managing a medical practice means ensuring that your patients are billed accurately and in a timely manner. Unfortunately, for many medical practices, keeping up with billing can be a daunting task amidst the daily patient appointments and other administrative tasks. If you're struggling to keep up with your medical billing, you may be thinking about investing in medical billing services. Here's a look at some of the advantages of medical billing services for your practice. Read More 

When Should You Seek Help From An Urgent Care Clinic

A lot of people find themselves to be a little confused as to whether they should go to the hospital's emergency room department or over to the local urgent care clinic when they are experiencing medical trouble. It is important to make sure that you are well aware of what conditions or situations are best suited for the urgent care clinics instead of the hospital. This way, you will not waste time or money. Read More 

Types of Bunion Surgery: Which One Is Right for You

A bunion or Hallux Valgus is a foot deformity characterized by the abnormal growth of the bone behind the big toe. The bone usually grows towards the other small toes. This abnormal growth may cause the big toe to grow over or under the smaller toes with time. The condition may occur due to genetics, arthritis, and lifestyle choices linked to footwear preferences. For instance, constant wearing of very high heels that strain your foot's base contributes to bunion development. Read More 

Non-Surgical Chiropractic Care Treatment Options For Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis refers to compressed or narrowing spaces located within the spine. The compression may place excessive pressure on the nerves and other structures of your spinal column, resulting in various symptoms. These symptoms may include pain and numbness in your neck and back, numbness or tingling sensations in your back and legs, balance problems, and reduced mobility. Here are some non-surgical treatment options your chiropractor can offer you to help treat your symptoms without invasive procedures or medications. Read More 

2 Main Reasons Why An Online Medical Scribe Is A Valuable Asset For Every Doctor

A medical scribe is a healthcare professional who provides direct support to all health care providers in the delivery of patient care. Medical scribes are integral members of the clinical team and work collaboratively with physicians, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists. Their primary responsibility is to enter data for each patient encounter into the electronic health record (EHR) system. They are responsible for collecting all data essential to the continuity of patient care, including medical history, problem lists, medications, immunization records, and vital signs. Read More