Do You Have Computer Vision Syndrome?

Computer vision syndrome is caused by starting at a digital device such as a computer screen, tablet, smartphone, or another type of device. Computer vision syndrome is a big issue for most people today, including children with so much tech on hand. It's important to remember to keep your eyes healthy even if you have to be on these devices. Read on for further information about computer vision syndrome and what you can do to help. Read More 

Tips For Preparing To Attend Your First Work Conference After Getting Hearing Aids

While many people get hearing aids long after their working days are over, others are still actively working when they take this positive step toward improving their hearing. If you've recently bought hearing aids, you might be feeling excited about how they'll help you to hear during your next work conference. Such events can be challenging to those who have poor hearing. It may be difficult to hear the speaker, for example, which can limit your ability to have a positive experience. Read More 

‘Eye’ Need Help — Visiting Urgent Care For Your Ocular Problems

It's a scary moment when you realize that you have something wrong with your eyes, but there's no reason to panic about deciding how you'll approach getting the right care. For minor or gradual changes in your eyesight, you'll generally want to call your eye doctor. For major traumas to your eyes, a hospital visit is the best approach. For things in between, you can count on getting the care that you need at your local urgent care facility. Read More 

Reasons To React Quickly Upon Noticing Signs Of Alcoholism

When you identify a potential problem in your life, it can be easy to downplay it or think that you'll eventually correct it. The latter may be true for some things, but it's not always possible when alcoholism is concerned. If you've noticed some signs that alcohol might be a problem for you, it's a good idea to react quickly by finding a treatment center near you or attending an alcohol rehab program at a local treatment facility. Read More 

Time To Start Hiking? How To Protect Your Ankles This Summer

The weather is warming up and the snow is starting to melt. Soon the hiking trails will be wide open and ready to explore again. If you're going to be spending time hiking in the mountains, you'll need to take steps to protect your ankles. You might not realize this, but hiking can lead to some serious ankle injuries, even if you're taking the beginner trails. The last thing you want is to have your summer fun derailed by an ankle injury. Read More