Signs That Tell You To Get Checked For Prostate Cancer

It is extremely important to make sure that you are well aware of the signs that may indicate that you have prostate cancer. While some of these symptoms can also be a sign of another medical problem that is much less serious, it is vital that you are not ignoring them. Figuring that they could mean cancer, it is best to get to a doctor right away should you experience any of the following issues. Read More 

3 Important Things To Know About Sepsis

Sepsis is a condition where your body launches an extreme response to a fungal, bacterial, or viral infection that is already in your body. Since sepsis is not an infection on its own but rather a response to a variety of infections, it makes it difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of sepsis. The one thing that is clear is that left untreated, sepsis can lead to septic shock and potential death if left untreated. Read More 

Think You Sprained Your Wrist? Why You Should Go To Urgent Care For Treatment

While running around outside with your children, you may have tripped over something, fell to the ground, and landed right on your wrist. Because of the way you landed and the way you hit the ground, there is a chance you have sprained your wrist, especially if you are dealing with a lot of pain and are struggling to move it the way you would normally be able to move it. Read More 

Rhinoplasty And Why It’s Performed

Most people know that they can surgically alter the appearance of their nose, but many still know little about the procedure. The actual name of the surgery that is commonly referred to as a "nose job" is rhinoplasty. Here is a bit of information about rhinoplasty and why it is performed. What Can Rhinoplasty Change? Rhinoplasty is the surgical alteration of the nose. During the procedure, the physician cuts the area inside of your nostrils to reveal the cartilage and bone that support the nose. Read More 

Stifling That Little Voice Inside Your Head? 6 Signs You May Be In Denial About Addiction

Generally, most addicts share common signs of denial, such as anger, blaming others for their habit, hiding the use of drugs or alcohol and making excuses for their behavior. However, there are other, less obvious, more subtle and personal signs that you may have a problem that only you know about. You might choose to ignore them, but they aren't going away anytime soon. In fact, denying an addiction will most likely lead you down a long and regrettable path and by that time, you're going to wish you hadn't ignored these tell-tale signs. Read More