4 FAQs When It Comes To Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the year 2016, one in ten babies were born prematurely in the United States. Babies are considered premature when they are born before 37 weeks gestation. Babies born too early are at an increased risk of getting certain conditions and diseases. This is due to the fact that their organs have not yet fully developed. One such condition that preemies are prone to getting is called bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Read More 

Senior Care And Diabetes

Diabetes may not be an uncommon condition for seniors, but this does not mean that it is easy to treat. For seniors living with diabetes, the condition can be quite challenging to manage, especially when it is paired with other conditions like dementia that require memory care. If you have a senior loved one with diabetes, you may be concerned with their care. You may be considering a healthcare facility that focuses on caring for seniors who need some assistance. Read More 

Ways To Approach A Workout After Successful Exercise Addiction Treatment

Getting treatment at an addiction center doesn't necessarily mean that you've been dealing with a dependency on drugs or alcohol. Addiction centers can help those with many addictions that don't relate to substances. While exercise is largely beneficial, some people struggle with addictive behavior surrounding it, and this can leave them in poor health. Your local addiction-treatment center can be an ally as you work to overcome your exercise addiction. However, unlike a drug addict who will try to never use again after treatment, you may take up exercising once more after you complete your treatment program. Read More 

Chiropractic Care For Migraine Headaches

Most people experience a headache from time to time. However, some individuals suffer from chronic headaches that reduce their ability to live a normal life. Migraines affect an estimated 38 million people in the United States alone. While migraines are common, most people are not truly familiar with these debilitating headaches. In most cases, prescription medications are used to manage the pain associated with migraines. Although effective in some instances, using holistic treatments is a safer solution. Read More 

Types Of Cardiac Stress Testing Your Cardiologist Might Recommend

A stress test lets your cardiologist see how well your heart performs under exertion. Since your heart rate increases when you exercise, it's a perfect time to keep watch on your heart rate and rhythm to see if there are any abnormalities. Here are the types of stress testing your doctor may recommend.  Exercise Stress Test A basic exercise stress test is the most common choice. It gives your cardiologist a lot of information about the health of your heart and arteries. Read More